Dress Code

Students' dress and grooming are expected to be in keeping with accepted community standards. The following statements are guidelines:

  • Shoes must be worn at all times. 
  • Students in grades K-2 may wear regular shorts. Students in grades 3-12 may wear shorts but must meet the following standards: 

Must be loose-fitting; no biking shorts, cutoffs, boxer shorts or combination thereof. 
Must be hemmed or cuffed. 
Length must be to the fingertips or longer. 

  • Dresses or skirts must be longer than fingertips. 
  • Tanks tops, tube tops, halter type blouses or mesh shirts will not be permitted.
  • Sun dresses will be permitted if modestly cut. Shirts should overlap the waistband of skirts, shorts, or pants. 
  • Items with provocative, offensive, violent, or drug-related pictures or slogans will not be permitted. Items advertising alcoholic beverages or tobacco products will not be permitted. 
  • No hats, caps, bandannas, hoods, wallet chains, or sunglasses. 
  • No type of clothing which has been torn or has holes will be allowed. 
  • No sagging pants or shorts. 
  • No gang paraphernalia. 
  • No visible pierced jewelry other than earrings. 
  • All students are expected to meet community standards and school policies with regard to health, cleanliness and appearance. All safety rules must be obeyed. 

Standardized dress or other unique situations may be dealt with by the individual campuses, as long as they do not violate policy. For example: if a school considers standardized dress they must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Must be approved by School Improvement Committee
  • Must be shared and discussed with the campus PTA board
  • Establish a firm decision by January to implement for the next school year
  • Effectively communicate decision to all parents
  • Participation is voluntary for students and staff
  • The standardized dress option is limited to elementary campuses only
  • Special consideration may be given to middle schools to adopt standardized dress, if the majority of elementary feeder schools are practicing standardized dress